Sunday, 28 December 2008

Congratulations --you are the 10,000 viewer!!

Yup to bring in the new year the flickr web site (with the photos on) has just had its 10,000 view! wow we are popular buggers arent we! 
Talking of the new year, we will of course be celebrating new years at midday on the 31st in your time, so we will give you a heads up on how  2009 is shaping up, and try to pass on any advice we will have learnt from the future!
anyhoo just to prove im not talking out my arse..... the last column shows total views! and the above map shows where you all are coming from!

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

Merry Christmas to all

...and to all a merry christmas.
So its our first Pacific Christmas in the sunshine (and the sun is shinning though it rained all yesterday) and a whole new type of festivity. Mostly the festivity revolves around having a day off... but also all your lovely cards, prezzies and some classic Christmas chow. I am unsure as to whether either of us have eaten this much blue cheese, nuts or chocolate EVER. Luckily Adam bought me an exercise ball so there is still hope as to recovering from it all. We weren't entirely lazy today though, we walked up to the lookout point of Taupo (3 mins away) and contemplated life bvefore heading down for a swim in the lake. Well.... I swam in the lake while Adam declared that I was a nut. The water was beautiful, as blue as the Caribbean, as cool as Lake Champlain and as fresh as a cenote in Mexico! lol, its been a good year.

Blogging of late has been a little sparse its true though we've been having a wicked time in-between the hard slog that is the real world. Exploring the Huka Falls, bathing in the hot springs, seeing glow-worms for the first time and blah blah blah. Though the best thing recently by far was getting to see Adam's parents... heh! We LOVED getting to show you Taupo (toepaw! lol) and it was fantastic having a bit of an explore with you guys. Thank you soooooooooooo much. We finally got to see and learn a bit about Maori culture, and... my favourite, ... wine culture! Dude, we can now spot a good Riesling or a spicy Viognier in an instant. It was also really great to have a christmas corner in the house, with our stockings, presents and pine cones (not to mention a fully stocked fridge), So thanks again!

I hope you  guys all have a wonderful Christmas. By the time you read this it will probably be at least boxing day for us (which means back to work). We'll be thinking of you stuffing your faces with turkey, goose, chicken or ham and dreaming of yorkshire puddings.

Take care everyone, get fat.