Friday, 11 April 2008

Goodbye RV

last night we said goodbye to the Rv, which we decided was costing way to much, and downgraded to a car (same price, but for 3months not 1). 


Anonymous said...

Lars here, just testing ....using the a test script developed by the Harvard Business school and used by the top 100 FTSE companies. The results look good, but i may have to redefine the project and generate a project scope , project definition and revised testing criteria to ensure the results remain consistant and inline with corporate expectations.

Anonymous said...

Hey Adam and Tess
Here is my tester, testing testing one two can you hear me!!!!
Bet your getting excited and just about to have a nervous breakdown at the same time, be cool and enjoy every second your away, cus you'll soon be back and in the real world before you know it..... thats a great thought isn't it.
Safe journey and enjoy, see you in 87 days :)
love you miss you xxxxx (aunt T)