As promised we headed off yesterday to see Plymouth, Plymouth rock, the Mayflower and the Plimoth plantation. I could go into the details of all the things we saw in excutiating detail .... however i hope a few small select stories should suffice....
Sooo we are at the Mayflower, and im reading about scurvy when a delightful family decides to join and parks their ass right in front of me (not that uncommon, its seems) now the small ( i use the term 'small' to describe age, not his pyhsical attributes) child starts asking his mother about scury and the british...' Oh all british have black teeth, cos they dont eat them vegtables, and they die cos the vegtables stop scurvy, thats why the english eat limes so we call them limies but they call them lemons'
wow... i would have grinned and beared it, but that may of scared them more!
Sooo we are at the Mayflower, and im reading about scurvy when a delightful family decides to join and parks their ass right in front of me (not that uncommon, its seems) now the small ( i use the term 'small' to describe age, not his pyhsical attributes) child starts asking his mother about scury and the british...' Oh all british have black teeth, cos they dont eat them vegtables, and they die cos the vegtables stop scurvy, thats why the english eat limes so we call them limies but they call them lemons'
wow... i would have grinned and beared it, but that may of scared them more!
I think we all can learn a bit about English culture from this - People eat your VEGTABLES thats whats killing our youth! I almost expect this family to get an BA flight to heathrow, and during the preflight saftey talk, just after ' to buckle your saftey belt (by the way, if you cant do that, you shouldnt be on a plane) 'Ladies and gentlemen in the event of scurvy limes will drop from the ceiling, please eat your lime before assisting those around you'
Just in case you have started to get worried....§ionid=10
if you have any of the symptoms eat a lime, dont just do it for yourself, do it for me...
im sorry, this is why Tess does most the blogging (i hate people)
Next we get onto Plymouth rock. So for a game, which below do you think is the plymouth rock...
Yup its the 2nd one, behind dirty plastic, metal scafolding it really was just a rock, the only real way to see it was to scrabble down the side of the beach. We decided against doing this and so went to see some of the other interesting less famous rocks in the area (end photo) and had a game of rock, paper sisors.
Next we took the 1/2 hour bus (totally empty, just us the driver and his remixed versions of 8o classics played on the panpipes) to Plimoth plantation. I have to admit that it was quite fun here, a small indian camp, a english villiage and lots of role players. My only issues were that all the 'english' were this weird mix of accents, they had been told how to say certain words in a 'English way' such as Laaaandan, or toon instead of town, but everything else was in an american accent. Also i find role players a little scary, dont know why, but hey ho.
I promise to let tess start blogging again soon.....
Dear Limie, this blog makes you sound like a real lemon. Just because that yank looked like a melon and your used to pears doesnt mean you have to go bananas! As your old papaya used to say "Life is never a bowl of cherries"....its a fruit salad! :-) A.Grocer, Stockholm
Dear Son, the problem with the masses is that they are ignorant. Any fool knows we get free limes on the nhs now. xxx
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